
what is this website?
P.W. Elverum & Sun is the record label and publishing name for the various projects of Phil Elverum. It's not a real big company or anything, just a small name to get these objects out into the world. "Phil Elverum" is a person born in 1978 in Washington State. There's more of a promo blurb below.
information about your order
We don’t send out any kind of receipt or notification so don’t be alarmed when you don’t hear from us after ordering. We got your order and it’ll come. Domestic orders are shipped via Media Mail which takes a maximum of 8 business days. International orders are between 1 and 5 weeks usually. There is no tracking for regular domestic shipments, and international shipments can only be tracked until the package leaves the US. Mail orders are acceptable too. Write a letter and we'll sort it out the insanely slow way.
NOTE: If you are pre-ordering something and you include other items with the same purchase, we’ll default to holding the whole lot and shipping it all together when the pre-order is getting released. If you are pre-ordering and you need other things more immediately, it’s better to make a second order.
It gets calculated once you add an item to your cart and enter your location. You will be able to see the shipping cost before actually paying.
Yes. International postage is very expensive. Sorry. We are doing it the cheapest possible way. Also, shipping is calculated by weight and Paypal only allows for a few broad weight categories, so sometimes you’ll end up paying slightly more, and sometimes slightly less than the actual cost. Sometimes we lose money! In general, you get a better deal if you order more things.
Yes. Here is a list of stores that often stock our releases.
information for record stores
We are distributed to stores everywhere in the world by The Business Distribution.
Get in touch with them and work it out. They are the best.
information for publicity purposes
short bio: Phil Elverum, b. 1978I grew up five miles into the woods outside the island town of Anacortes, Washington during the 80’s and 90’s in a post-hippie echo that normalized saying “hello” out loud to the nearby mountains, waters and animals. As a teenager, entering the world of music and creation through the door that punk tore open, I finally found my people in Olympia. I lived there for 5 years and released records as the Microphones with the K label. Now I make Mount Eerie records, since 2003, and release them myself on a fake record label, stubbornly still DIY to the bone. I have a devotion to this life of creativity and subversion that has never wavered. These songs and works dig down into the bedrock of this place and try to bring forth a fresh exhale, a big picture glimpse, small beneath the sky, clear water trickling.
The mailing address is everywhere,
or, please don’t send a million, but if you need to you can send an email.